Thank you for the wonderful reading this week after my son’s death. I found it very beneficial and extremely enlightening. I have never participated in a spiritual reading before and the information that you communicated to me was incredible. I must say that the accuracy of the information was amazing. I feel I have a much clearer understanding of many of the things that have occurred since my sons passing. I know our son is in a better place and that while things have changed he is still with us. I have shared the recording with my family members who Jeremy communicated to through you and we have been able to decipher many of the messages he was trying to share. The reading was actually very beneficial in the healing process. Thank you so very much. You have a very special gift. God Bless you and your family and the work that you do. Words cannot express the experience.
Beth, My wife, mother-in-law, and I wanted to send this e-mail letting you know how very grateful we are for Saturday’s spirit session with our daughter Emily. The three of us came into the session with our own hopes and expectations; you managed to exceed all of them! When the session came to a close we were all very moved emotionally and spiritually.
Personally, I entered the session excited about hearing from Emily but also skeptical that this could really happen (it is the Engineer in me). The signs that you gave us concerning Emily, especially the butterflies, quickly removed any doubt I may have had. I sat through the rest of session full of joy with a big smile on my face knowing that we were indeed hearing from Emily. The session also reinforced the key points of a conservation I had with Emily during a hypnosis session. Since the Spirit session I can feel my grief lessening and my spirituality growing. I have a better understanding of Emily’s purpose here on earth and what I need to do with my life from here on. I think Shirley summed up all of our feeling when she said, “I feel I can move on with my life instead of being buried in grief. To know my beautiful baby is happy and had a special purpose gives me great comfort.”
The session with you helped us grow and heal as a family. It has strengthened the relationship between my wife and me. We cannot thank you enough, although I must admit I am now feeling pressure to come up with a Y-chromosome, thanks to one of your visions. Take care and I am sure we will be in contact in the future. God Bless you and your family. John & Shirley Kane
It was great to hear your voice on the radio show last night. I so desperately wanted to speak with you again. As we had a recent death in our family. My aunt Paula who lost her battle with cancer.
However, I wasn’t picked – I know you had a ton of people waiting to speak with you. Which speaks volumes to your abilities! I wanted to send you an update from my reading and let you know how accurate you were. (Last February – 2009).
You predicted that I would no longer work for the same company early this year. Update: My company was purchased by a larger company and I transitioned with that company. I now live and work in Richmond, VA.
You said I would get a new sporty car towards the end of the summer and a figure of 6,000 came to your mind. Update: I purchased the car in late August and they offered me 6,000 for my old car!
You said I should go ahead and get the surgery to help my stomach issues. You said the date would be in May. Update: I got the surgery done in May and it was great. However, I got hit in the stomach with a ball (boys!) and ended up getting a similar but more substantial surgery in December.
You said I should go forth and get my MBA on-line and that it would work out well for me. I have started the program on-line and I just completed my first class – I got an A! ; )
The only thing that hasn’t happened was the coffee shop guy at work. Let me tell you, I frequented that place often for Mr. Right! Sometimes I think I hoped for this one so hard that it came untrue – and God will send me him when he’s good and ready. ; )
All in all, you were spot on with so many things. I know you are one gifted lady! Thanks again for all you do and helping so many people. Audra -VA (formerly GA)
I can’t thank you enough for what you have done. I appreciated the three way call you did for me and my mother. My son passing away at the age of 21 has really been hard. You made us believers of your abilities as soon as you described his accident in detail and really got my son’s personality. We knew you were talking to him. There were several things you mentioned that we didn’t get or understand, but after checking with others the validations kept shining through one after another. It blew us away. Like the part where the red, white and blue balloons kept coming up with letters inside the balloons. We found out who had released those into the air (red, white, and blue) a month before the reading on the one year anniversary of his death. Also the “learning to drive a stick shift” story was validated later. You knowing the name of my new born grandson was inspiring. We also found out later about that my son did in fact tell my stepmother (many times) “You should get rid of that ugly mini-van, it’s so gay… and get a sports car, you would look so much better in a sports car.” That really got us. We know now without a doubt that John Edward show is for real and so are you. Sometimes you just have to verify for yourself that life goes on after you die and that your loved ones are still here with you. I really like the approach you do on your website. Many people are scared of mediums and these types of things because they think it is not of God. They are afraid of what they don’t understand.I feel the verses you put out of the bible are comforting to many. I also like the music and the family pictures..nice touch. You are truly blessed, thank you so much for what you have done. -Sincerely, Lonnie Prachyl

Dear Beth,
Just a quick note to tell you how grateful I am that I came across your site and that I have had the privledge to meet you and have a reading with you. After being so disappointed from a reading through another site that cost 3 times as much as your readings, I know everything you said to me was true. It’s going on 10 years since I lost my mom. The void will never be filled and I miss her so much everyday. You described her perfectly, and the complete reading made sense without me trying to “fit” it into a connection. If there is anything I can ever do for you, all you have to do is ask! I will be giving gift certificates for readings with you from now on! Have a wonderful holiday and I’ll be sending lots of good thoughts and energy, especially on Christmas. -With Much Gratitude, Julie Beyer

As you know I have a wonderful friend, Teri. Teri and I haven’t known each other for very long but we have both lost loved ones and we have really grown a friendship because of our understanding of eachothers pain. I believe that her passed loved ones and my passed loved ones are the reason we found each other and are the reason why we are so close. As you can imagine, this was one thing that was difficult for both of us to cope with.
Soon after my mother passed (six years ago Oct 4th), my family and I would sit in awe and watch the tv show Crossing Over, with psychic medium John Edward. I would just cry watching him give people another chance to communicate with their loved ones that had passed. It took me five years to get the resources and the courage to try and see John live. Finally got the opportunity earlier this year, doing my best not to get my hopes up for a reading I got to go see John in one of his live seminars. Well as my emotions are hard to keep to myself this was the first in depth conversation that I brought up with Teri and this is how we really began what has become a beautiful friendship (one that I wouldn’t trade for hardly anything in the world). We got excited together and I looked for tickets for her to join me, but unfortunately they sold out. I went to the seminar and became even more of a believer and craved even more information on how this entire process worked. However, regardless of my attempts to not get my hopes up, I was crushed when my mother didn’t come through during the seminar.
I came back and I told Teri all of the wonderful stories from the seminar, and how I craved more. I was then surfing the internet and found my way to a list of certified psychic mediums. As link would lead me to link I read bio after bio and if these mediums did seem down to earth and real, their prices weren’t. Then I found yours. You seemed so real, your story about Brian brought tears to my eyes, your testimonies sounded so real, I just kept skimming the page because there wasn’t enough time to read word for word….I had to call Teri and I had to do it like…NOW.
I got a hold of Teri and I was really nervous about bringing this up to her, but the timing couldn’t have been better. She was really missing her sister and her friends, she really needed to do this with me. I sent you that email and I have to be honest, it really freaked me out that you sent one right back (I am not kidding it couldn’t be more than 20 minutes lol!) but I am so glad you did. One thing led to another and then we ended up traveling 688 miles to come see you for ourselves. I am so glad we did. We are forever greatful for the opportunity that you gave us. We were destroyed believing that we weren’t ever going to hear from our loved ones again and you brought us that opportunity! The night before the reading we were so wiped out we stayed in this horrible hotel in Warner Robins and I could hardly sleep at all. Teri on the other hand slept really good as she had been awake for over 24 hours.
The next morning as we were walking through Wal-Mart buying time until our readings, Teri began to share with me a dream she had the night before. She explained to me that it was about a baby that she has been long praying for. She told me that it was a baby boy and gave some other details. Little did we know in a few hours you were going to tell us that her sister had come through with her first baby in her arms….a little boy. When we had the reading we heard from everyone that we wanted to hear from. You brought up not only details of our history and our feeling for our passed loved onesbut you explained messages from them now. You answered questions that we wanted answered before we even got the opportunity to ask. The validations were there and are real. We are more in tune with our loved ones now that we have learned what to look for and how to communicate with them. Although we are not completely “healed” we can now cope and we have belief that they are with us and that is something that no one can put a value on. I thank you for the opportunity that you gave my mother to give me that hug and kiss…as well as the words of her love for me…it’s something that I needed.
So here we are today continuously sharing our validations with one another about who came through with what sign and it feels so good. We are going to continue our journey and learn more and more about the process evolve our own abilities to the best of our knowledge and I hope that we can meet with you again!
About 18 months later….Teri is pregnant with a little boy! Thanks! Amanda Sidfrid

Beth is amazing! She is kindhearted, friendly and fun. My wife came through and acknowledged our engagement anniversary, which was in 2 days. She also said she wanted our daughter to have the heart stone ring, lost for 29 years, which unexpectedly showed up the next week. I received many unknowable validations that day. Beth eased my grief by giving me reason to believe my wife is still alive, always by my side and waiting for me to join her in the glorious spirit world of Heaven. Thanks Beth! Larry Johnson

While dealing with the death of my mother, my best friend, I experienced an apparition in my home. I later found myself 2 houses away from Beth. At that instant I knew God had sent me to Beth. Her messages, descriptions are accurate and her compassion put me at ease. Beth is truly gifted and the love of her gift shines through. Thank you Beth for your healing comfort and enriching my life in so many ways. I am blessed to know you and call you my friend.

Dear Beth
I wanted to take a moment and say thank you so much for talking with me yesterday. Your wisdom and gift is truly wonderful. It was amazing how you had so much insight on only things that my family and I were aware of, concerning 3 of our family members that have passed on. You have truly touched my heart, as well as my sister’s. We’ve wanted to talk with someone since the passing of our loved ones, but have feared so much that we would be scammed. YOU MY DEAR ARE THE REAL DEAL……….You have such a beautiful gift and they way you use it is even more beautiful. Thank you for filling mine and my sister’s hearts with such blissful peace. I also wanted to add that it was amazing how you could pin point my physical ailments, and thank you so much for using your healing gift as well… I know that I will have better days coming, because of you. With love and peace, Sheri Robertson

You have been an unquestionable blessing to me. I was very excited to meet with you, but being apprehensive with skepticism lurking initially, I was a bit nervous before our meeting. However, with your sun beam-bright smile, gentle humor and kind way, you immediately melted all of the uneasiness that I felt. With the familiar remembrance of a dear old friend, you kindly welcomed me and turned my worries into wonder and awe. You helped me with some issues that have been bothering me for some time now and you knew things about my mother and grandma that were right on and I never told you before. My dearest grandma who has passed, was able to come through and connect. I miss her dearly and you helped me to gain confidence in myself that I can communicate with her also. The following day after my reading, I even had a wonderful dream with her where she lovingly gave me a big, warm hug. I have been waiting to receive that hug for a while and it was so magical, but real in my dream with her. You have given me the sweet assurance that my life has direction and purpose and that life truly does exceed beyond the grave. It has been a memorable and very special experience. Thank you for your gifts and your time. God bless! With Love, Michelle

Dearest Beth,
I do not have adequate words to express my gratitude. We shared one hour of a very personal experience with my son. Together, in a very short time, we caught a glimpse of the essence of my child. We are now deeply connected because God brought us together.
I have peace and joy in my heart. I want this feeling to last forever. Matthew, my beloved son, talked to me today. I never thought I would have that again. He hugged me. Matthew kissed me. He made me laugh. He cared. He showed his humor and his personality. Matthew let me know he is alive, he is with us always and when I go home, Matthew will be the first one to greet me.
I want the world to know that you are a caring, compassionate person who is not different from any one of us who feel love for family and friends. Your kindness touched my heart from our first contact. We are strangers one day and then we meet. We talk. We learn about each other. We become friends. We have more experiences together. Our relationship grows. Our love deepens. We are human beings with the same needs, wants and feelings- you, me and millions of others. This is why EVERY human being’s life is valued. I want the world to know that you value every human life.
I love you for giving me this everlasting gift, to be with my son, Cindy

Thank you so VERY much for all your help and kind words!! You confirmed so much that I already knew, deep inside, and just didn’t trust. You have given me hope and I will always be grateful!!! Thank-you for doing what you do!!!! Gloria

Hi Beth,
I have been thinking about you and wanted to say hello. I am still feeling so grateful to you for everything. I play my tape everyday and I am sure that I will continue that for awhile. So I just had to write you tonight and say again how much you mean to people like me. I felt a lot of relief and joy after we spoke. And it feels really good to have that feeling for a change. It has been really rough these last couple of years. But knowing Matt is happy now means everything to me. So I thank you for giving me some much needed peace. Love, Lisa

Almost four years ago, my two sons were killed in a car accident on their way home from high school. Since their deaths, I’ve experienced a grief stricken despondency that was at times unbearable. I’ve been incredibly lost without them because I loved them more than life itself. When I felt that I was going to have a nervous breakdown a few weeks ago, I started looking for a therapist. However, the boys had other ideas, and I know they directed me to Beth. She described them perfectly even to the point of seeing my younger son holding their orange tabby who died a year ago. There were so many connections in the reading that I now feel the cloud of grief that has enveloped me for almost four years has dissipated and is now replaced by a feeling of serenity that has evaded me since their deaths. I would recommend her wholeheartedly and without reservation. God bless her. ~Donna

I loved that you took time to find out if you could communicate with my dog Lilly. You pin pointed all the things happening around her and I. You gave great advice on how to help better our relationship, and that was very kind of you. Thank you so much for helping me to understand. I will spread the good news of how you are a blessing in the work you do.
Love you, Pauline – Arizona

Beth, Thank you for confirming the issues in my life that have caused me so much pain. The pain is gone and I am free to live a spiritual life. You have a gentle caring spirit that is so comforting and allows messages from loved ones who have passed on to flow. Your kindness and knowing spirit comes through on the tape of the reading you gave me. Thank you for sharing your gift. The information you gave me has changed my life. P. Jacks

Thank you for the fantastic reading you gave me. It was “right on” in descriptions and phrasing used when given me messages from John and Mom. I left completely at peace and with sense of rightness knowing that all is well and in order!
Shirley- Florida

Thank you Beth for making my family believe that when we pass to the other side our spirit is still with our loved ones here…your reading enriched my faith and my thoughts on life. I also understand that there is a comfort in knowing that I was a very special part of my parent’s well-lived life.
Karen – Pennsylvania

Beth, thank you so much for helping me find answers with my sons suicide, it has brought me much peace within my heart. You are truly a very special person.
Jill – Georgia

I was the biggest skeptic there was when it came to psychics and mediums, until I met Beth. The detail that Beth had about my loved ones that had passed on was amazing. Talking with Beth was a huge comfort, she really helped in the healing and grieving process. Beth, I can not get over how accurate you were! Thank you for opening my eyes, it has made a huge difference!!!
– Ben –

Dear Beth,
Thank you so much for the incredible information you have passed on to me. I am dumbstruck by the accuracy of the information you revealed. The information you had about our son touched me so deeply, and I am now so comforted by the fact that he is happy, and is not alone! I would have never known this if it wasn’t for you. I cannot thank you enough! – With much love, April

After reading about Beth in Mary Mitchell’s column in the Chicago Sun-Times, I decided to contact her. I had been looking for some answers in my life and I was concerned about a medical condition. After one telephone reading, my ovarian tumor had disappeared. Additionally information Beth gave me regarding family members who have passed away was 100% accurate. I can wholeheartedly recommend that people looking for answers in their life contact Beth. -Sue from (Switzerland)

You might be familiar with John Edwards, a medium who hosts his own program actually communicating with people that have passed away….
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to talk to Spiritual Medium Beth Berry. Beth was able to communicate with the spirit of my father and I was completely shocked by the accuracy of the information she revealed to me. How she described my father, his personality, and past family conversations and issues, that no one else would know, and even details about things I’d only heard of even before I was born. Beth was professional to speak with, yet very kind and understanding. It just made for a really cool day!!!
Angela Rose – DJ for Magic 94.9 (Canada)

My experience with Beth was exceptional. The messages I received from estranged relatives I did not know had passed was very healing. My stepfather who had a severe gambling addiction actually apologized to me. I was speechless. Beth also has a very high accuracy, combined with her loving voice and delight in the reading itself, I felt a great connection with these people, a healing warmth I have never experienced before. Beth was the loving messenger. It was not a matter of fact, but a matter of love. I have worked in the field of parapsychology for 35 years as a teacher, psychic, healer, psychotherapist, workshop leader, radio guest, lecturer etc. I will return to Beth for other messages because she cares and experiences the same joy I do when I read for others. Not many people in this field have the spirit and love of human connection as Beth does. Enjoy her as I have!
Pat McKenna

Beth, I would like to say thank you for the most wonderful, joyful and unique experience! Your reading was completely accurate and amazing and it still gives me goose bumps all over to think about what my family passed on to me through you. You are truly blessed with a wonderful gift. It was so wonderful to communicate with my family members (and my husband’s family members!) who have passed to the other side. It brings me such peace to know that they are happy and also still a part of our lives here. You confirmed that many times over! Especially with how many of my family spirits came through! You will touch many peoples’ lives in a great way with your work. -Sincerely, -Melissa

Second reading: Dear Beth, I can’t tell you how much it meant to me to be able to connect to my Dad shortly after he passed. It’s been so hard for me, but when I get too upset I reflect on the times you brought him close to me again. You saved me that night I called you. I wanted to connect with him right then, and you made that possible. You are amazing and you have an amazing gift. -Thank you, Mel

I have to thank you for bringing my father to me after all this time. Your reading was right on target. You have brought much happiness to me, I can’t thank you enough! -Mary

Whoever it may be that has crossed over that you would want to get in touch with, Beth can surely do it for you. She has a fantastic gift and goes above and beyond her ways to tell you about your loved one. She read for me a few months ago when my daughter was murdered, and she (my daughter’s spirit) came to Beth along with Beth’s brother who also has crossed. I feel Beth’s brother wanted to bring my daughter to the best. She told me so much about my daughter; her nickname which no one else but myself and family and daughter’s friends knew. She is fabulous and such a loving and caring person. So please, if you need to get in touch with a loved one who has passed over, let Beth do it for you. You won’t be sorry and you will be so amazed at what spirit tells her. Beth, my friend, you are the very best. I wish you much love and light. -Gina

Beth is a great medium and truly a spiritual person. Very often Beth has been spot on with her information. She is down to earth, truthful and caring. I would recommend Beth without a moment’s hesitation. I promise you won’t be disappointed. -Willow, Oxford, UK

Beth Berry was able to bring the spirit of a very dear departed friend through for me. Her detail and accuracy were amazing!! She was even able to describe his personality and mannerisms he had in life, to me. I am so thankful to Beth for helping to connect to my friend one more time. It was very reassuring to hear from him again and know he is alright, and yet, still with me. -Thanks again Beth, Carole

Dear Beth – I’ve been meaning to drop you a note – my Mother Jane has been recovering extremely well and her doctors consider her a walking miracle. And I know that you had something to do with that. I keep your cards in my wallet and I thank you every time I see one.Many thanks. -MaryAnn

Hi Beth,
Yesterday I saw my mother, for the first time in probably over a year. She is loosing her memory and we put her in a very nice assisted living (deluxe) and she is very angry about it, not being able to drive etc… Frankly I thought my session with my Dad with you would be about vindicating my hurt and angry feelings toward her, because my Dad sure knew how nasty she could be. I was shocked when you told me what he said, so shocked that I knew it was a very special message…and I probably had to do something with it, but I wasn’t sure what or how to do it.
So yesterday, I thought I would try her out on this idea of communicating with my Dad who you “spoke” with for me. He passed over in 1994 and was the guiding presence in my mom’s life even though she thought she resented his authoritative King of the Castle mentality, but is now lost without him … Well, she is very narrow minded and “Christian” about things and has always turned a cold shoulder to my ideas that are out of the box and had no interest in discussing these things what so ever. Well, I felt moved to tell her about my session with you and I told her that you said Dad felt he was so lucky that she had cared for him so well all his life (which was so true) but that he took it for granted (so true) and he was so sorry about that. That he really appreciated all she did now and her caring for him…..Well, she turned her head and looked at me like she never has and said I’ve been feeling so guilty lately that I didn’t take care of him very well when he was sick and dying. ( I think she has been sitting and ruminating about this.) I said well here is your answer. I don’t know if she will remember it..but I”ll check it out again and reinforce the “message”. My Dad definitely wanted to get this through to her, to ease her suffering and doubts. She said she has a hard time remembering what he looks like and feels like she is cut off from communication with him. I just wanted you to feel the validation. That was wonderful to be a part of that spiritual healing and getting a message to her. They had a deep love for each other, even if they had their emotional conflicts, that we as kids tended to see and think that was all there was.
Much love to you, Cynthia, Los Angeles

After the sudden death of my husband, I started reading about death and spiritual connections. One evening on the internet, I came across Beth’s website and decided to send her an e-mail about the possibility of scheduling a phone reading. She responded so quickly, I couldn’t believe it. We spoke on the phone the next morning, and when the date she suggested was not only sooner than I had anticipated, but also happened to be the first anniversary of my husband’s passing, I felt an immediate connection; this was meant to be.
Prior to our scheduled appointment Beth knew nothing about me or the reason for my reading, yet the connection that I felt to my husband during the time I spent with her was so real. This has definitely helped me to better deal with his passing. I let my friends listen to the tape with me and they could not believe how accurate it was. I will always be grateful for my experience with Beth and would recommend her highly; she is very caring and personable.
Love, Bobbie

Beth, what a truly blessed soul you are!!!! The “powers that be” have granted you such a gift, a gift that brought such understanding, compassion, forgiveness and comfort with the deaths of my Dad, brother, and now recently, my life long friend Carol. I was so destroyed with each of these passing until speaking with Beth. I know now the “why” of each, bringing tears to my eyes at first, then tears of joy as we spoke. I now know that each of my loved ones are alive in spirit, that we will meet again. Beth has helped me regain my emotional composure, my equilibrium, my greater understanding of life and death, a transition into the spirit world. Without Beth’s help, I know I would still feel like I am drowning in my own sorrow and sadness. I know now that death is merely a transition, that life does go on and I will see my loved ones again. Beth is such a gifted and special soul. I am so happy to have been led to her. I don’t believe this was by accident, this was meant for me to find her. I thank the “powers that be” for directing me to her. My life has changed since my contact with Beth. I am not afraid of life or of death anymore; just understanding more now after speaking with Beth, that the most important things in this lifetime are how we treat ourselves and how we treat others.
Always, Much love, Pam

I am truly blessed to have met Beth. She is really down to earth and knows her business. I have met with her twice and she was able to bring through my loving family member with messages and they mentioned things to her that I know for sure she could not have known without their help. Until I met with Beth, I was so afraid of death after my sister died suddenly. Since my meeting with Beth and realizing the fact that my loved ones are still around me and knowing that they still see and know everything that is going on in my life is a great blessing. Beth gave me the names of several books to read and she knew just what I needed. I have read the books and now look at life differently. We are here on this earth for a reason and we have certain things that we must go through in our life here, and it is just wonderful to know that our loved ones are still with us in our time of need. With Beth’s help I was able to hear from my mother, my grandmother, my sister and my grandchildren that have all passed over. -And the signs they told her to tell me to look for I have seen during some dark times in my life; so I know they are with me.
Beth, I could never thank you enough, and I pray that God richly bless you. I am still reading books and hope I am getting stronger in my journey and know that my loved ones have not left me. Again, thank you so much, Brenda Lovelady Jackson, GA

Beth:I was one of the lucky ones who got a reading with you. You may or may not rememeber me, however, when I walked up and even before I sat down you said there is a man who is balding with dark hair and dark eyes…wow that blew me away. You were also able to speak with my father and that was so comforting to me..I knew that he was with me all the time but to know what he was actually thinking was awesome to hear. To get the advice that I needed after 20 years ( yes it does take me awhile ) but now is the time to act on what I knew I should have been doing for awhile now. My girlfriends also had readings and they were so happy,in fact I think that Libby has even corresponded with you. We are thinking of taking a “Girl Trip” and going down to GA for a day and seeing you. Again thank you so much! It brought alot of emotions to light that I needed to deal with. I also have a gift that my father comes to me in dreams and I know things before they happen. This is the main reason that I came that day to the show to see if I did or did not have the gift. Looking forward to meeting with you again! Mary Lou Teague