Hi! Finally, I just signed up for a facebook account, so if you’d like to join me, please click on the facebook link and add me as a friend! I’m hoping to visit more with my clients, friends and family! It’s really easy to sign up, so come join me! This weekend our youngest son…
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Client Testimonials
Thank you so very much for my reading this morning with my son and father! You were EXTREMELY accurate! In fact, I must apologize because many things did not click at the time when you said them, but after stepping back and taking a moment, I realized that you were right after all! For example,…
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Group Spirit Readings

I’ve been doing group readings the past few month and I have to say, I absolutely love it! It’s so fun to communicate with so many different spirits in one day! My last group of people were amazing! The more open minded you are the easier it is for spirit to communicate with me! The spirits…
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We Are Spirit

We are all spirit having a human experience. We are all one with each other so don’t judge. Everyone of us chooses what we have right this moment with our thoughts and actions. Remember, thoughts and actions have energy and the more we send it out to the universe the quicker it comes back to…
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