Hi! Finally, I just signed up for a facebook account, so if you’d like to join me, please click on the facebook link and add me as a friend! I’m hoping to visit more with my clients, friends and family! It’s really easy to sign up, so come join me! This weekend our youngest son…
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About: Trent Lin
Recent Posts by Trent Lin
Getting a reading from a medium
When you get a reading and want to hear from spirit, remember, the medium should give you some evidence about the spirit so that you know it is your loved one. When I do a reading I always give the physical description of your loved one. Most times they will let me know how they…
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Amazing Group Reading November 7th

Monday I had the privilege of doing a group reading here at my home. We had an amazing turn out of 42 people! There were so many people here, I had to use a microphone so everyone could hear me! I’m so grateful and shocked so many people came to hear from spirit, even if…
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Testimonies/Group and individual
From a recent client: My first session with Beth was awesome. She told me I would meet and marry a man that lived in Texas, but there was something about Georgia too. We would meet through friends, and would be very soon. Six months later, I reconnected with an old friend from Ga. on facebook…
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